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              Sanyang Textile Co.,Ltd.

              San Yang Textile Co., Ltd.

              Add: NO.106, Liqi Rd. Lijin County, Dongying City, Shandong Provice, China    
              URL: m.aak34.com

              Talent strategy

              Reflections on the implementation of talent strategy is the future of human resources planning, we always follow the "recruit training patterns of talents gathering synchronization, internal and external integration, and constantly provide a platform for the development of entrepreneurship opportunities for employees to have both ability and political integrity. Talent is the most valuable wealth of enterprises, is to maintain the bond of the enterprise, is the soul of the company. The company believes in the people-oriented management concept, attaches great importance to the development and training of personnel, so as to cause people to stay in the development of people, to retain cultural.

              Talent is the real driving force for the development of enterprises. People oriented is the source of enterprise, so the enterprise is the talent management, the competition is the talent competition. "People-oriented, human resources, human resources dynamic" is our enterprise's human resources management concept.

              Attracting talents, training talents, discovering talents and retaining talents is the logical law of talent promotion process. Each other for the conditions, but also each other, is a professional channel for the growth of talent, we always pay attention to every aspect of excellence. "People long, one short" is the person with the company uphold the principle. Continue to provide learning, training conditions and opportunities, enterprises always take the road of learning development.

              Companies adhere to the "human race with the principle of the horse", the performance is better than the qualifications, ability is higher than the degree and have both ability and political integrity as employment standards, encourage employees to display their talent, build a fair competition environment for people.

              欧美精品一区二区三区四区 在线_日韩精品一区二区三区,_久久久久久精品免费看_国产黄a三级三级三级老师_来一水AV@lysav

                          通山县| 城市| 绥宁县| 锦屏县| 江西省| 嘉峪关市| 乌审旗| 新竹市| 潍坊市| 江城| 靖西县| 招远市| 灯塔市| 蓬溪县| 车致| 晋州市| 铜梁县| 沙河市| 武清区| 清徐县| 吴旗县| 什邡市| 烟台市| 弋阳县| 厦门市| 平阴县| 建德市| 莆田市| 四平市| 包头市| 梅州市| 凤庆县| 西贡区| 苍南县| 长寿区| 茂名市| 江陵县| 固原市| 定西市| 沙湾县| 紫阳县|